EMDR Therapy of Montana

Amber Andriolo, LCSW, LAC

Welcome to EMDR Therapy in Montana

If you have come to this site, it is likely that you have been struggling for quite some time. I’m so glad you took the step towards healing, recovery or improved overall well-being. Whether you are struggling with depression, anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD, family or partner relationships, stress, trauma or anything else that might be impacting your emotional stability or happiness, entering therapy is guaranteed to enhance your capacity for self-awareness, self-regulation, improved self-esteem and communication skills, contentment and inner peace.

Q: How long will therapy take?

A: Anyone who tells you how long it will take in advance is setting you up for disappointment. There is absolutely no way to predict how long therapy will take. It depends on multiple factors: how the client responds, how open the client is to the process, how much-self-awareness and self-reflective capacity one has, available supports, etc. Please discuss these concerns as they are very valid.

Q: Will opening trauma up make me worse?

A: I think of therapy in a similar way to surgery. If one has an infection and doesn’t treat it, it will get worse over time and create additional problems. If you have surgery, it may be painful in the short run, but you will heal and be stronger. You will be supported in developing coping skills to deal with any painful emotions that arise and we will go at your pace.

Q: Will I be forced to take medication if I don't want to?

A: If medication is clinically indicated, it is my ethical responsibility to recommend that you consult with a psychiatrist. However, you have the right to self-determination and to reject medication. This may hinder your progress, however, it is entirely your choice.